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Bull Foods

Barra de Proteína Bull Foods - Toffe & Nuts

$2.000 CLP
Bull Foods

Barra de Proteína Bull Foods - Toffe & Nuts

$2.000 CLP
  • 30 gr unit
  • superfood
  • Considered the best food in the world
  • sustainable product
  • 100% Natural Ingredients
  • GMO Free, Gluten Free
  • No Lactose, No Sugar

Amaranth presents higher nutritional qualities than most cereals. It contains proteins rich in essential amino acids, such as lysine, tryptophan and methionine and according to the UN and WHO, it is considered the best food in the world and of amazing protein quality.

In addition to standing out for its high protein content, it provides a high proportion of vitamins , such as: A, B, C, B1, B2, B3, D, E and K ; being also a rich source of calcium, iron, phosphorus, potassium, magnesium and folic acid.

Helps prevent diseases such as anemia, high blood pressure, diabetes mellitus, obesity, gastrointestinal conditions, colon cancer, diverticulosis, growth problems in children, chronic kidney failure problems, liver failure, improves heart health, the circulatory system and regulates cholesterol.

Only 1 units of this product remain
Ingredients - Concentrado de proteínas (crispies de proteína aislada de soya, proteína aislada de soya, proteína de arveja), maltitol, dátiles, pasta de avellanas, crispies de soya cacao (proteína aislada de soya, cacao, almidón de mandioca), maní desgrasado, pasta de maní, almendras laminadas, sabor idéntico al natural, lecitina de soya.
How to use - Como snack saludable o colaciones. - Durante actividades outdoor o deportivas.
Characteristics - Ingredientes naturales - Libre de sellos - Producto orgánico - Sin gluten - Sin lactosa - Sin azúcar añadida
Benefits - Aumento de la masa y fuerza muscular - Mejora el rendimiento deportivo - Favorece la voluminización muscular - Contiene fibra para una mejor digestión - Regula el colesterol - Combate el sobrepeso - Previene la retención de líquidos

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