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Embajador Juvenil: Benjamín Valenzuela

Benjamín Valenzuela | Escalador ( @benji_climb ) Cuéntanos un poco de ti Tengo 15 años, vivo en la ciudad de Talca y soy un deportista de alto rendimiento que practica escalada desde los 10 a...

amaranth | Superfood with magnificent properties

The term Superfood refers to those foods with magnificent properties that should be considered essential in any healthy diet. Amaranth is considered a pseudocereal of ancestral origin. The Inca, Mayan and Az...

Healthy Eating: Superfoods

SUPERFOODS One way to obtain a diet rich in macronutrients is through the intake of Superfoods . The term Superfood refers to those with magnificent properties that should be considered essential in any heal...

Nutrition Sportive : Acides Aminés et BCAA

LES ACIDES AMINÉS Un moyen efficace d'incorporer des protéines de qualité dans l'alimentation consiste à consommer des acides aminés , responsables de la formation de protéines pour notre corps. Il e...

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